Child & Adolescent Outpatient Day Treatment Program
Today more than ever, adolescents face increased pressure to act or look a certain way. Often this leads to the development of many behavioral/ mental issues that negatively impact their development. Our adolescent day treatment programs focus on children and adolescents ages 8 to 17 dealing with mental health and behavioral disorders. UHPhealth Wellness Center is staffed with mental health professionals, including Nurse Practitioners, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Therapists, trained mental health counselors, and Community Health Workers.
Our treatment programs are tailored for each client who will receive an individualized mental health treatment plan evaluated regularly by members of a multidisciplinary healthcare team.

Program features include:
- Psychiatrist sessions
- Psychotherapy groups/classes
- Anger management and coping skills groups
- Medication management
- Case Management
- Discharge Planning
Groups topic includes:
- Coping strategies
- Self esteem groups
- Cognitive therapy
- Anxiety and stress reduction
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Art and music therapy