Psychological Testing/ Assessment
UHPhealth offers psychological testing for children and adults (starting at age 6) to assess their intellectual, academic, emotional, or behavioral functioning. Psychological testing can benefit clients and their providers by accurately identifying underlying issues, clarifying diagnoses, and developing more precise treatment plans that will best address their needs. Psychological testing typically begins with an initial diagnostic clinical interview and includes a written evaluation report once all testing measures have been completed. An optional feedback session to go over testing results with the examiner is also available
- Intellectual Disorders
- ADHD (child and adult)
- Personality Disorders
- CPS/Residential/Foster Care
- Emotional & mood disorders (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder & more)

We are a participant in Texas Community Partner Program which is a bridge between Texas Health and Human Services and Texas communities to provide Texans access to food, cash and additional health care assistance. We work closely with individuals to navigate potential benefits that can support their basic life needs.